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Multiple new studies show that standards in math have fallen to all time lows.

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1): 2√9 =

A: 6
B: 162
C: 18
D: 4.5

2): ϖ - τ =

A: 1
B: 2
C: 2.1415
D: τ
E: None of the above

3): ϖ Radians =

A: 360°
B: 180°
C: 90°
D: 270°
E: None of the above

4): Lucy is a farmer who sells corn for twenty dollars a stalk and she has four fields. Two are one hundred yards by one hundred and fifty feet, another is three hundred and fifty feet by fifty yards, and the last one is four hundred feet by seventy five feet. Lucy wants to plant corn in these fields, corn requires ten inches of distance from any obstacles on any side such as other corn stalks and the sides of the fields. How much money is there in each of the fields?

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